Saturday, June 2, 2012

Trek For Online Profits

trek for online profits! I am here to help all of you, but my name is NOT Damien Sandow. In several ways affiliate marketing is a lot like learning to swim. One, you are afraid to jump in. Two, you try to ease in smooth and jump back out. Three, you have no idea how deep the water is or if you're being surrounded by sharks. I've felt this way and yes there are hackers, but most of the time there ain't nobody out there. Hear me out, you must be mistaken for a spammer and a hacker to learn. You also need to know how a spammer or a hacker thinks.

Put your affiliate page in an active safelist and promote it. Place your splashpage in a responsive traffic exchange and get to surfing. TE's TAE's and Safelists DO work, but without a funnel we never accumulate subscribers to our list or blog. And that's what we're going to talk about NOW. WHAT IS A FUNNEL? A funnel is the path a visitor takes from the first moment he clicks a link on your site. He must be led to opportunity and ultimately to YOU. This is critical.

People don't want to do any of this...yes I said "ANY OF THIS" without assurance of three things:
  1. They are not alone, 
  2. The system really works 
  3. and lastly, it will work for them

With those three guarantees, people will follow you straight through the sun to ensure success. Most of my time online has been a "learning experience". I used to spend more time absorbing information than I did applying it. Can we say mis-information spinning? How can I truly absorb information if I don't apply it? We MUST interact to build an internet business; surfing and mailing alone ensure certain failure. And so do excessive tinkering with blogs and webpages. GET INTERACTIVE NOW!!!

What do I mean by that? Well chat while you surf; just try it. Have a meaningful conversation and establish a new relationship. Build your website to the max and then invite your best friend over and show it to him (or her). Let what is happening in your mind somehow find it's way to the front burner of your life. Internet marketing REALLY works and WE are not sharing it enough (or properly). Join traffic sites which others promote to you directly. When you do this you are NEVER alone.

Never be alone online! Don't worry about them trying to sell you something, they are usually just trying to share a traffic resource with you or a social integration application, either of which could be the one piece missing to your entire online venture. You must take risks to see if something even works and get your feet wet to know for will work for you.

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